(903) 920-3900 don@donbristow.art
Creative Force Triptych by Don Bristow

Creative Force Triptych

Aluminum or Acrylic up to 144″(w) x 48″(h) (3-panels)

Creative Force Triptych is the inspiration for the Creative Force Triptych pilot program from Innovation Advancing Education. The program was designed to teach communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity (innovation) to music students, with this triptych providing the challenge.

The program was documented in the whitepaper “World Class Excellence for Teacher Leadership: The New Hybrid Approach” co-authored by Alfonso Ippolito, Tyler Junior College, Lou Chaump, Pennsylvania State University, Robert Stevens, University of Texas at Tyler, and Donald Bristow, and it was published in National Social Science Journal, Volume 42, Number 2, 2014.