How to Order
For order inquiries, please contact the artist directly at (903) 920-3900 or by email to Don is happy to assist you with ordering options, pricing and shipping.
Aluminum – Frame to Edge
The aluminum print covers the front of the frame molding and meets the side of the frame for a very clean look. The thickness of the moulding is 1-3/8″ deep so your metal prints are about 1-½” off the wall. All aluminum prints are produced by Vivid Metal Prints, formerly Image Wizards, the inventor of dye-sub aluminum prints.

Aluminum – Recessed Frame
The molding is recessed 3″ away from the edge which gives the appearance to be floating 1 ½” off the wall. All aluminum prints are produced by Vivid Metal Prints, formerly Image Wizards, the inventor of dye-sub aluminum prints.

Pricing is roughly $1.50 per square inch on aluminum. Many size and framing options are available, so call the artist directly at (903) 920-3900, or email for pricing information. Sales tax for Texas residents may apply.
Aluminum prints from Vivid Metal Prints are produced using the ChromaLuxe dye-sublimation process. ChromaLuxe aluminum panels have WIR Display Permanence Ratings that are more than THREE TIMES better than Kodak silver-halide prints that have been framed under glass.
Shipping, Insurance & Taxes
Shipping charges, insurance and sales taxes will be calculated at the time of order or order estimate. Shipping will originate in Lexington, NC.