(903) 920-3900 don@donbristow.art

How to Order

For order inquiries, please contact the artist directly at (903) 920-3900 or by email to don@donbristow.art. Don is happy to assist you with ordering options, pricing and shipping.

Aluminum – Frame to Edge

The aluminum print covers the front of the frame molding and meets the side of the frame for a very clean look. The thickness of the moulding is 1-3/8″ deep so your metal prints are about 1-½” off the wall. All aluminum prints are produced by Vivid Metal Prints, formerly Image Wizards, the inventor of dye-sub aluminum prints.

Frame to Edge

Aluminum – Recessed Frame

The molding is recessed 3″ away from the edge which gives the appearance to be floating 1 ½” off the wall. All aluminum prints are produced by Vivid Metal Prints, formerly Image Wizards, the inventor of dye-sub aluminum prints.

Recessed Frame


Pricing is roughly $1.50 per square inch on aluminum. Many size and framing options are available, so call the artist directly at (903) 920-3900, or email don@donbristow.art for pricing information. Sales tax for Texas residents may apply.


Aluminum prints from Vivid Metal Prints are produced using the ChromaLuxe dye-sublimation process. ChromaLuxe aluminum panels have WIR Display Permanence Ratings that are more than THREE TIMES better than Kodak silver-halide prints that have been framed under glass.

Shipping, Insurance & Taxes

Shipping charges, insurance and sales taxes will be calculated at the time of order or order estimate. Shipping will originate in Lexington, NC.


We take payment by cash, personal or company check, or electronically through Quickbooks Online.